Goals and strategies for territorial, local and regional pacts, announced at the launch of the European Pacts initiative in Brussels, November 2010, EU Committee of the regions, in the presence of RIPESS members from several continents.

The P’ACTS consider that sustainable local development provides a positive road to overcoming the current crisis, if certain conditions are respected

A strategy designed and applied to provide concrete answers to essential everday issues: managing shared resources, activities and employment, living conditions and services all aimed at providing the perspective of a joined-up opening and solidarity between territories.

A strategy aimed at providing a medium- and long-term legal framework to local and regional issues (territorial interactions and co-operation).

The key principle is based on shared responsibility.Multi-level governance is the instrument. It includes organised civil society as a stakeholder in building and implementing actions, as a collective actor in the real economy and in territorial governance.

A strategy based on different sources of funding in a programme framework that facilitates; the rules for implementation should be simple and transparent.

The objectives for results should be defined with both quantiative indicators (how much/many) as well as qualitative indicators (how/what impacts) such as: satisfying essential needs in the real economy: the collective quality of our lives, resilience, the vitality of our democratic and cutural existence, a lesser dependence on fossile fuel as well as on imported food or foreign finance.