By Júlia Martí, member of OMAL (Observatory of Multinationals in Latin America) and web editor of Viento Sur

It has taken almost 50 years since the publication of the report The Limits to Growth for the awareness of the climate emergency to make its way into public opinion and for the debate on how to respond to the ecological crisis to begin to be taken seriously. But not all proposals to tackle climate change and resource depletion go to the root of the issue: the impossibility of decoupling material growth in the economy from GDP growth. In other words, the difficulty of responding to the ecological emergency without leaving the capitalist framework of unlimited growth. Moreover, not all the proposals propose horizons of just transition, in which the material decline of the economy is linked to the distribution of wealth and jobs, to the repayment of the ecological debt contracted with the countries of the South or to a democratization of all the socio-economic processes.

In this framework, incorporating the ecofeminist viewpoint into the debate on the eco-socialist transition can allow us to assume the multidimensional nature of the crisis, the need to propose profound transformations from various spheres and the importance of promoting it from a multiplicity of subjects and political spheres.

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