now includes over 3300 documents and over 1000 publications by almost 3000 authors. Some sites refer to the author’s summary sheet included in the site (rather than those in wikipedia). These sheets have the advantage of presenting your biography and documents on ESS included in the site. If you are one of these authors, you can complete your presentation by sending a message, a photo and the documents that you would like to see on the site to Françoise Wautiez <>.

A new section has been created as the result of a request made by a doctoral student in a French university, under the heading “Theses”. It includes all student theses on the subject of SSE. Almost 250 theses available are already available on the site in different languages. If you are a student and you want to see your thesis uploaded onto the site, so it can be shared with the whole community, please send it to Françoise Wautiez.

If you wish to study ESS, there are 164 trainings in several countries that are listed on the site: please consult the Map.